Thursday, September 22, 2005

Lost. The Show. Again.

Seems like just last week that i blogged about the season finale of Lost. And last night I was due to go to a rock show at a venue not more than 300 feet from the front door of my apartment. However, the TV was on ABC and I allowed myself to catch the season premier of Lost in my audio/visual periphery. With the first scene I was so easily sucked back in. Not victimized. a willing participant. Because even though i bitched about the season finale, I'm just as lost as the writers and characters, and I needed to open the hatch. I needed to graduate to a new plot level. I have unfinished business with "Lost." and the writers swept me off my feet.

One girl i know complained a few months ago that "they knocked the hot guy off too fast" - but for the record, the hottest men on the show are the doctor, and of course, the beautiful Sa'id. So all male-objectifying reviews aside, it's still pure eye candy satisfactory to this 32 year old woman with the sexual mind of a 17 year old boy.

I'm still fascinated by the choice of character names, those numbers, the co-mingling of characters prior to flight 815 on Oceanic Airlines. The overt appearance of the same numbers in each character's life, and the obsession with the hatch. It's open now. What will come out now that it's exposed? isn't this the question we all ask ourselves every so often? What if i am exposed? What does it mean to be exposed?

There was a time when i had recurring dreams about showing up at events without my shirt on. A very very common image, we've all heard about those kinds of dreams. But as one who experienced them, and sometimes (but rarely) still does, i am compelled to tell you what it felt like. In the dream, I had no idea i was topless. Until i looked down. and found myself exposed. and mortified. In the dream, each time it happened, i was forced to problem solve. I had to take the test, or finish the task, completely exposed, topless and nervous. But in each dream, i finished.

Maybe my love of "lost" is the unknown nature of the entire show. It rarely makes sense, yet it seems to exhibit enough patterns to keep me intrigued. A curious intellect thrives on questions. the plot of "lost" is based on inquisitive instincts comingled with standard television programming. The characters are all beautiful to look at, and the women seem to have found an endless stream of lip gloss even while stranded on a deserted island. Still, as far as television programming goes, this this is going to make a great dvd addition to my collection....

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