Tuesday, September 13, 2005

Last Night a DJ Saved My Life

And his name is Francois K. At about 11:30pm a Friend and i headed to the meat packing district where we indulged in caffeine, avoided alcohol, and headed over to Cielo to check out Francois K and a special appearance from Philly's rising Hip Hop Poet, Ursula Rucker. Ursula started at around midnight and raised the psychic aptitude of Club Cielo for about 45 minutes against the dub of Francois K. I started moving my body at around 11:42 pm, swayed and physically experienced Ursula, and danced danced danced non-stop except to grab vitamin water and 2 bathroom breaks - til 4 in the morning - when the club was most unfortunately closed. And I'd forgotten about dancing until Francois K saved my life. A little dramatic? Yes but not really and here is why.

First off, I now know what's missing from my life. Dancing. Boulder was the last place i really danced my arse off to the tune of decent DJs and creative scratching. Last night (rather, this morning)I remembered why I loved it then, and thought more deeply about the void in my everyday life since I stopped setting my mind and body free in this way. There's a reason for the infamous "rave scene" in The Matrix Reloaded. Men and women in tribal garb, no shoes, all lovers of freedom, all without chains, living in zion, making and experiencing love freely, the sound of Fluke raising the consciousness of zion to true freedom, before a time of terror. When the freed people of zion are dancing, barefoot in the mud of reality, they are truly uplifted, and beyond the confines of the matrix. Last night a DJ saved my life and for over 4 hours i rose above the chains of my day, the burdens of stress (what's that?) and saved a wretch like me. It was a night of epiphany, a call to action by miss Ursula Rucker to challenge organized freedom and "Wake The Fuck Up." over and over she told us to do it. Wake The Fuck Up. Wake The Fuck Up. Wake The Fuck Up.

No alcohol, just vitamin water, til 4am.

Last night a dj woke me up. In the meat packing district.

So it's time to share the greatest cell phone/ internet tool ever. Well, thus far. Ok, maybe the greatest internet/ cell tool of 2005. And it too will open your world. It's not very well known. In fact, it's interesting to watch the way it is spreading. for example, possibly 2 people will read this far, maybe a few more but not much, and at least one will try this trick. that one person is likely to share the info. But the best i can do is speak for myself - and all i can say is i couldn't wait to share this with you, those 2 or maybe more people. Ok, get this -

Google Text

if you text this number:
into your phone, and hit send (yes it works with sprint) you are txting an inquiry (for free) to google.

enter your search terms as the text for your txt msg. for example, last night to get the exact address of a destination, my Friend and i txt'd the above number with the search terms as our message. We typed in "Cielo, New York New York" - within 30 - 60 seconds i received a txt message - google txt'd me back the top 2 search results from it's directory. boom, we had the street address and number of the club. Fuck 411. The phone company is dying, the digital age hath dawned.

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