Wednesday, November 16, 2005

Meaning of EEK

I truly have no issue with the existence of the "PMN" or it's ability to sustain. But as a representative, an accidentally self proclaimed Music Defender and a longtime armchair philosopher in the case of media revolution, it's impossible not to use the word "eek" when referring to the PMN. Somehow in all of this, the indy labels have been vilified by the misconception that the only real independent music is that which is loaded into podsafe or even cdbaby.

I haven't drawn full conclusions yet about the expo, i learned a great deal. So without soap boxing before i've synthesized the information to my own satisfaction, here is a list of some points floating about my mind, usually when i'm on a it's a blog.

1. mobile technology is the shit. i mean, really. we're in motion, it's about motion. simple stuff. sick software. hardware catching up...i'm looking forward to working from amsterdam or alaska. what if i took a call from mt. mckinley but not til after i recorded my audioblog from my treo or blackberry or sidekick to let my mom know i summitted. it could happen. the only thing stopping that situation is me, and not being fit enough to get up the mountain. which would never happen.

2. Digital media does not equal the elimination of a human element. "New Media" is about the human element, but taken up a notch. Consumer is king. And this is why podshow renders an "eek" from me. While every spokesperson has every freedom to lead and play the role of pied piper, I believe i am smart enough to know the difference between the creation of a corporate media in the digital world versus the other option: to embrace all indy media. to accept the revolution as it happens, not take advantage of it.

that's a bit vague. I'll get clearer.

In fact, it's time for specifics.

check this out

the "un expo" immediately capitalized on this bogus vein of marketing - that the underground is anti.....everything. if the expo charges for booths (which happens at ALL conferences) then let's have an "un" expo. if an audition sounds scary, we'll call it the Podshow "un" dition (but how is it not an audition? it's american idol for podcasters....which is neat...but how is it not an audition?) isn't that sorta....perpetuating the problem in general american media today - Keeping The Public Dumbed Down.

digital media and subscription based communication (and portable media), is a multi tiered platform where information is exchanged, synthesized and recycled. the beauty is that there is choice, and i'm proud to defend indy labels - some are definitely operating like assholes. douchebags, even. but that's just business. I've always supported indy art and representing the indy label is part of that support.

The added spin from podshow of a sentiment exuding this is the real indy network reminds me of, well, mtv. and mtv is not what indie music was ever about. Doesn't everyone remember? why are they getting curry's autograph when he hosted a very contrived barely indy headbanger's ball?

the (possibly inadvertent) result of the PMN marketing campaign is the vilification of many indy labels, and therefore indy artists, who worked hard to push their career in the indy music environment and are now embracing a new world of zeros and ones.

I've met some amazing people who are associated with podshow and i respect them, look forward to exchanging ideas and notions and music. I am not opposed to good music. at any time. ever. My preferences run the gamut. When i meet a new person it's usually the first thing i ask them about. So this is me, and somehow i've become the music defender for a living. Defending indy labels to the community who finally has a chance to bubble up ALL indy content, to the exclusion of no other. Please check out The Sundresses on CD Baby, a band i happily managed! without a label! and please please also do yourself a favor and learn about Birdman Records. All at the same time. Evolve. Don't Perpetuate The Problem.

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