Monday, August 22, 2005

Brown Sugar

The Boogie van of Ocean Beach, best known to her friends, family, fans, lovers & cousins as Brown Sugar is sadly looking for a new home. Farewell, oh rockin van who's traveled to Texas and back, entertained many a drive in movie, towed a uhaul trailer over 1k miles and befriended 2 dogs and 2 cats. Her Spiritual Captain, MevinVanNebula, is selling Brown Sugar and gets full support from this little blog. Because selling a van isn't fun. Brown Sugar will live on, in our hearts and spirits, as she travels new terrain, possibly not far from the ocean where she nearly retired. Ta Ta For Now, Brown Sugar. Boogie Van of OB. A beauty amongst beasts. My only request is that you not sell her to anyone who runs the risk of making her smell like patchouli.

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