Monday, July 25, 2005

Not Average

Not an Average Man
J and i had hard ons for lance when we lived in boulder, and that was when he won the TdFrance the first 4 times. I remember reading an article about the horror of chemo, and how it affected his simple actions, even urination. He said that because urinating was so painful, he convinced himself that the pain was a result of the cancer cells exiting his system. He would visualize these ugly cells, and every treacherous moment of urination became an action toward which he looked, each time, pushing disease out of his body. Beating the odds every time, with grace and pain and horror behind him. I really don't care about any of the press i see about lance. He can do whatever he wants, whenever he wants, however he wants and ultimately he'll still be one of my only contemporary male heroes. He's in good company, surrounded by some powerful women, but Lance Armstrong - a powerful man - is unwittingly part of my support network.

mp3 for the occasion: Only from White Teeth, NIN

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