Thursday, September 08, 2005

Three Days, Three Ways

I'm not too pleased with today's entry, it goes well with the world's crappiest kugel which i made on saturday (truly the worst i've ever ever made. so bad that the goyim loved it.) - but even barry bonds strikes out 7 of 10 times. And that's what's cool about baseball. Here's what's on my bloggin' brain at the moment:

Don't Tell Me My Sister's Ugly, Get Her A Date.

yesterday's post may have sounded a bit cold hearted snakey with regard to NOLA. Perhaps a little clarification and brief elaboration will transform the tone into a more accurate reflection of the philosophical intent behind my words.

Katie Couric? No.

WikiNews? Yes.

Oprah Winfrey? No...but...there are housewives out there who love oprah so much they cry when they see her, so if Oprah inspires more donations, then, on some level yes...

Mario Tama? Yes.

Sean Penn? No.

Robin Quivers? Yes.

Good Morning America? No.

The Daily Show? Yes.

We can choose what we let in. We can choose how we assimilate it and subsequent action. Often the easiest choice is one which requires less work or effort or sacrifice or love. with great power comes great responsibility. this responsibility extends to our choices. easy way out or work for it? ABC news or John Stewart? the effort is up to each individual. I feel better when i tend and foster what i know is wise and beautiful, even if it presents an unknown result and requires effort. Going with an expected result is an easy choice. When applied to media sources, what this means is clear: we already know what ms. couric will say and how she will say it.

this entry is nothing if not just a babble or a way to give you an intro into wiki news. and that's because this is a blog.

That said,
It's time to Testify.

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