Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Big Time - and Steve Jobs calls Madonna?

when the alarm went off this morning, Bjork's "big time sensuality" was just starting - at exactly the same time - on the radio station. i rose to the sweet sweet apropos sound of....

Big Time Sensuality

I can sense it
something important
is about to happen
it's coming up

it takes courage to enjoy it
the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

we just met
and I know I'm a bit too intimate
but something huge is coming up
and we're both included

It takes courage
to enjoy it the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

I don't know my future
after this weekend
and I don't want to

It takes courage
to enjoy it the hardcore and the gentle
big time sensuality

just when i think i'm out, the universe, the big frakkin picture, pulls me right back in. I create my day, but synchronicity creates me. Big Time Sensuality also happens to be a very cool video. Bjork is about the size of my pinky finger, but, a child piano playing prodigy, she channels the operatic sound of a thousand years, comingled with the nuance of modern art.

These are strange times. NOLA is having an effect on everyone, subconsciously or overtly - And i've been avoiding it all as much as possible, keeping on a news black out of sorts. Maybe i've had my fill of death for the summer, but i can't seem to engage in the media circus that has become the NOLA situation. Oprah parading around with cameras and celebs? puh-leez. While i'm completely emotionally stranded when i consider the realities for the city and people and pets of new orleans, it's not because i can't accept it, i merely formed a new perspective on North East West South and it's relationship to the decline of western civ as we know it. So much information to assimilate. So much to synthesize. So many people to talk to - i'll regress any day of the week to make a new friend, a new little sister-type, I'll make my mistakes, I'll learn from them, but i won't allow a censored press corps influence my already miniscule role in the overall universe. All the heartache we experience as selfish people, roaming around, breaking hearts, creating pressures, assigning blame, playing the victim - we are just adding to the sound that is earth. Somewhere there is a radio telescope or some similar contraption, and it is listening to our sound. we sound like static. We can choose to sing.

So fuck oprah and sean penn and these assholes who use NOLA as an excuse for a photo op. I will assimilate this properly without letting it have an unnecessary effect on my personal decisions so as to actively play a role in the betterment of planetary psyche. the media is bullshit, wants me to know i'm just another pretty face behind a boob tube, treats me like a number, an arbitron rating for performance. The media is a coward, employing censorship instead of engaging in human realism. it's beneath me, it's beneath you. but still there's a truth, which is.....It takes courage to enjoy it. And enjoy i shall. The bullshit is not just behind me, it's far far far beneath me. and you, too!

In the vein of Big Time Sensuality, have a lookie loo at the new iPod Motorola phone and the new iPod Nano - the mini has already been eliminated from the iPod website and the nano was just announced this morning. check out the live blog from apple's announcement, which includes a call from Steve Jobs to Madonna. That's Hot. click here

1 comment:

crazywanda said...

ewwww. well i guess it's better than cutting down trees for junk mail.