Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Gnomedex Summary...?

working on it.

til then it's best said in a haiku.

Conference of many men
powerful women ignored
add more girls next year

I might annoy a few people and write a nice piece on how the indie sector of the music business got a raw deal here. I have nothing less than praise for gnomedex, filtered only by the glaring misrepresentation of the opportunity New Media affords indie industry, especially music. With two men representing the music business, and only 2 models (direct deals and major labels) (no indie label representation at all) - it's time for a little estrogen, boys. LISTENUP CHRIS: The music business is already a boys club. Must we merge that old world mentality with the new medium we are in the midst of building?

more to come. thou shalt stay tuned.

rest assured, however, that even with the critique, I learned enough to teach a class of 35 students for one full collegiate semester. And developed a crush on blake ross. could there be a better conference? A more elaborate summary is on the way. . .

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In the process of reinventing a language we destroy our own. RJW