Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Sometimes A Pony Gets Depressed

i hit send/receive and received the sxsw daily chord today, as i do most days. it lands in my inbox, and i usually mock the headlines with DJ Vivek - both of us expressing wonder at why we bother to subscribe. The news from Daily Chord is almost certain to be a regurgitated version of recycled stories most of us already know. The Daily Chord is the last to report on everything. I mean really, daily chord, we all knew about Nikki Sudden (RIP) by 10am yesterday morning. Every day is a slow news day for the daily chord. but it's not just because their version of news is really a lesson in stating the obvious.

letter to the daily chord from a pissed off chick

Dear Daily Chord Editorial staff - if there is one,

Stop linking to articles from papers which require online subscriptions. Those days are over, and while we, the people of the digital & independent music industry, realize that the newspaper companies have yet to demonstrate any comprehension of RSS, it's really fucking annoying to click on a link which takes me to a registration page. Punish these papers, even if they are major papers, for their ignorance. Pull the article straight from the AP from whence it came. Create your own daily chord or just stop boasting any leads in music industry news. Billboard is dead for a reason. Demonstrate that you have learned at least a little something from the interactive part of sxsw. Tell me something I don't already know, throw me a bone. How about leaking a track or two? With great power comes great responsibility. This doesn't stop at spiderman. Interactive media doesn't have any obligation to submit to a 9th grade reading level. Leave that to traditional press, they've gotten so good at it. Take my advice, daily chord, i'm trying to help you live through this transitory time in digital media. don't bury yourself where pollstar went to die. I'd hate to see it happen when you've come so far. Challenge yourself, daily chord, to tell me something i don't know, and give it to me in a logical form. Graduate to web 2.0 before 8.0 creeps up on you like so much weed in the valley.

Miss Wanda

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