Friday, February 24, 2006

Hungover In Seattle

Hello from Seattle and Podcast Hotel. For my less 'cast savvy friends - the podcast hotel is not an actual hotel. The actual hotel where I am staying thinks it's in New York, but in NYC it wouldn't be nearly this cool or have any of these ammenities. I'll explain - with a list. When i woke up this morning, these were my thoughts, in this exact order:

1) why are the lights on
2) this down comforter is nice
3) so are these down pillows
4) why am i sleeping diagonal
5) where is fletch
6) did i really drink beer or was that cider?
7) oh shit, who did i call and what did i say
8) what did i say and who did i call
9) wow this is nice, there are 8 down pillows on this phat bed
10) do i have to be somewhere at 8am?
11) what did i say and who did i call
12) can't i just stay in bed?
13) Let's have a cd listening party in second life

Now i am off to start the day, already running late at 7am. This event is already proving to jar my thoughts beyond the mostly trite list above. Last night ER told me his son recognizes his avatar as "cartoon daddy." I can't get this out of my head. the neurobiological & cognitive implications - a dissertation waiting to happen.

Digital recognition of human attributes in pre pubescent youth

or something like that.

And now i'm off to blow off any memories of my drunken self and hang with more of the 'sphere i love so dear.

Stop by the ioda lounge today at the triple door in seattle and say hi. I'll be the one with the hangover yapping about changing the world. I'll have t-shirts, swag and ideas.

Stay Tuned.

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