Friday, November 18, 2005

Email Of the Week

turns out I'm going to see qotsa twice in LA so i'm baggin the show in oakland tomorrow night. I've got the love for qotsa, and for trent/ NIN, but a coliseum? noway. can't do it. And then this email arrived. I'm bouncing from a "secret" mudhoney show to this sweet here's the email of the week, see you there:


Just wanted to let you all know…me and my roommates are throwing a massive party at our place this weekend, and everyone is invited to come by. 3 of us have birthdays in a one-week span so it sorta made sense.

I’ll be DJ’ing along with DJ Unagi (who also lives there, and is an IODA client). I’ll also be bustin out a long-awaited bhangra set, so if you’re into that you can’t miss this. Ain’t nobody playin bhangra in the mission. For real.

26th and Bryant…2772 Bryant St if you wanna get technical. Feel free to roll with your 22-deep crew. It should be kickin’ off around 9 and goin late.


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